Med surfanjem sem naletela na zanimiv pogovor. In potem našla še to. Odlično.
Markus Says:
May 17th, 2007;15:45
I like girls with hairy arms!
Edward Says:
May 17th, 2007;16:30
And I like totally hairy girls, not just with hairy arms. Hair proclaims woman sexually mature adult, why take that hair away? I wish there were more courageous and non-brainwashed women, who dare to walk on the streets (come on) in the way nature had created!
Cash Says:
May 17th, 2007; 18:37
You both have hairy arms.
Markus, meet Edward.
Edward, meet Markus.
If there’s one thing this site is about, it’s bringing people together.
2 komentarja:
*uck, ne rabim jutranje kavice. Tole me je čist zbudil.
To so že tretji znaki recesije. Še ženske se bodo manj brile :(
@Kos: A veš da tale slika je pa tudi meni precej bljak. Je pa kolega v službi nekaj ugotavljal, da to najbrž niso noge od te bejbe, ker niso anatomsko skladne s položajem njenega telesa.Bolj pogledala in ugotovila, da ima morda prav,hmmmm.
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